IROA TruQuant (IQQ) Measurement System – Facilitating Internal standards for biomarker discovery and reproducibility

Undergoing clinically relevant metabolomics researches without the proper technological endorsement is not going to be a productive initiative at all. Instead, if you opt for the advanced metabolomics tools, developing reproducible data regarding internal standards for biomarker discovery and reproducibility will be easier.

The upcoming passages can help you to learn more in this regard.          

How the IROA TruQuant (IQQ) Measurement System helps in biomarker discovery
The biomarker data, especially, the clinically relevant ones need to be reproducible. The clinically relevant metabolomics needs accurate, identification, performance criteria for instrumentation and complete reproducible quantitation. And this can be achieved only with the endorsement of advanced metabolic profiling tools presented by the pioneering metabolomics companies.

IROA TruQuant (IQQ) Measurement System is a state-of-the-art metabolic profiling tool presented by IROA Technologies LLC, one of the pioneering metabolomics companies. The passages attached below can help you to learn the facilities offered by this tool in the realm of biomarkers discovery:

  1. This provides cost-effective and simultaneous metabolite identification and quantitation.
  2. The spiked-in internal standard that contains hundreds of identified compounds allows accurate compound formula ID for MS alone, complete ID in addition with SWATH, or IM. And this is made possible even at low concentrations. 
  3. The unique IROA patterns differentiate the peaks of biological origin from artefactual peaks contribute to eliminating false data in the internal standards for biomarker discovery and reproducibility. 
  4. All IROA-based fragments will have the IROA ratio pattern of their parent peaks and these can be identified as such utilizing the ‘peak correlation’ Clusterfinder module. 
  5. The arrangement of all peaks in the chromatogram utilizing the IROA-IS generation Retention Time ladder.
  6. The retention index within the sample allows the unidentified elements to be tracked in an accurate and précised manner. 
  7. The suppression-corrected measurements are accomplished for better quantitation.
  8. This normalizes suppression corrected experimental samples to overcome day-to-day and instrument-to-instrument discrepancies.
  9. The ClusterFinder software solutions help in developing libraries, IDs/quantitate compounds and this also normalizes data.
  10. This ensures high-level QC for accurate and reproducible data.                 
Contact IROA Technologies, LLC        
In order to get advanced metabolic profiling tools for internal standards for biomarker discovery and reproducibility, contact IROA Technologies, LLC. Their IROA TruQuant (IQQ) Measurement System will facilitate advanced metabolic profiling. Get in touch with them or learn their inventions in details at Other articles posted online can help you to learn more in this regard.
