Advanced Metabolite Measurement Tools

What are metabolites?

Metabolism is a chemical process wherebyglucose, amino acids and fatty acids are converted into new compounds or energy in an organism; the word metabolism literally means to transform or change. 'Metabolites' are the minor biological particles involved in energy conversion and biosynthesis. 

metabolite measurement tools

Why study Metabolism and metabolites?

Metabolomics is the methodology that quantitatively measures metabolites in response to environmental stimulus and/or genetic alterations which provides valuable insight into the processes of cells, diseases and human health.

Advantages of Metabolite Measurement Tools Provided by IROA Technologies

IROA TruQuant IQQ Workflow is a proven measuring system used to generate accurate and reproducible metabolomics data based on complex internal standards labeled with 95% and 5% 13C.
  • Detects low-intensity features
  • Software automatically removes noise, ion suppression and normalizes data
  • Generates QC-driven data to assess platform performance 
  • Cost-effective

Contact IROA Technologies LLC

Learn more about these advanced metabolite measurement tools to generate accurate and reproducible data.
